News from the Red Tees | March 2021
Welcome to the first edition of News from the Red Tees for 2021. We’re looking forward to another year of great golf on our beautiful course, and some special social events marking the 125th anniversary of the Club.
There is much to report since our last issue published in Spring 2020. So, strap in and enjoy the ride!
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Ladies President’s Note
Dear Everyone,
What a wonderful start we have had to our golfing year of 2021. With success of our Opening days, qualifying round for our first Honour board event and the Clare Kirkwood in the first two weeks, we have had a busy time. Thank you to everyone for your assistance and support so far.
As you will have heard, the Ladies Committee are working on some innovative ways of approaching our methods of communication, announcements and functions. As with any change, we will be evaluating the effectiveness on a regular basis, and modifications may have to be made. We appreciate your constructive feedback and patience as we continue to do our best for the Ladies at the Brisbane Golf Club.
We have a busy schedule of golf and functions in our first quarter of 2021, and I look forward to seeing everyone enjoying our wonderful golfing community at Brisbane Golf Club.
Happy golfing.
Sue Lewandowski,
Ladies President
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Notices and News
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2021 Member Diary
These are available for collection at the office and also a soft copy is available on our website under About Us/Brochure Library/Match/Member Diary 2021. Once downloaded you can get a copy of it to refer to on your mobile device. Use this diary to take note of all the events in the calendar that are of interest to you and take the time to enter these into your personal diary for reference throughout the year. Getting used to accessing the diary on line will be useful as our calendar is often affected by weather or other unforeseen circumstances. Changes will be communicated through Club messages and it is planned that the soft copy of the diary will be updated with changes throughout the year.
Tennyson Room and Special Event Day Lunches and Shotgun Starts
The Committee is trialling a new format for use of the Tennyson Room. It is planned to make use of the Tennyson Room to host lunch on Special Event Days, including honour board events, monthly medals and shotgun starts. Invitations will be emailed prior to the event inviting you to attend lunch in the Tennyson Room and will include details of any special menus together with the cost. The RSVP button will generate a return email for you to complete with confirmation of your intention to partake in the special menu. The cost of the special menu lunch will be deducted from your club account. Of course, you are always welcome to attend the Tennyson Room on these days if you are not partaking in the special lunch menu. The Garden Room menu will be available, and you are welcome to bring your lunch into the Tennyson Room, or just have coffee. It would be appreciated if you could RSVP and let us know if you are taking this option, or not attending, so Rudy and his team can have the correct table settings for us.
Handicap Changes 2021
In November 2020 the Ladies’ Committee endorsed a decision by the Ladies Match Committee and approved the movement of handicaps to balance the number of players between divisions.
Our playing divisions for 2021 are as follows:
Grade | Playing HC | GA |
A | to 23 | to 21.4 |
B | 24 to 33 | 21.5 to 30.9 |
C | 34 to 45 | >30.9 |
The impact on our golfing competitions will be monitored throughout the year.
Email Addresses
Please check your contact details in the Members’ Directory on the website and update if necessary. Also, make sure you advise Kimberley or Kara in the office if you change your email address to be sure it is updated on the mailing lists. Please note that if you and your husband share an email address, your name may not be “filtered” into the mailing list compiled for ladies-only communications and therefore you may not receive News from the Red Tees or important correspondence from the Ladies’ President.
Please check your “junk” mailbox for emails from The Brisbane Golf Club. Dragging emails from the “junk” mailbox back to the “in” mailbox should ensure any future emails will be automatically directed to the “in” box.
Accessing News from the Red Tees from the Website
You can access the latest News from the Red Tees from the website. Scroll down to the bottom of the home page to Latest News & Events and click on Red Tees “Read More”.
Lockers Available
See Kymberley or Kara in the office if you would like to rent a locker. The annual fee of $45 is a bargain considering how much you’d have to spend on that inevitable occasion when you forget to bring your golf shoes. It also means our locker room is not untidy with hats and shoes and bags left on and under the benches.
New Irrigation System
Our irrigation project will commence in the first week of March. Most of the activity in this first week will be around the pump house with the piping work beginning on hole 4. It will then progress from 4 to 5, then 6, then 3. This will take approximately four weeks. Of most interest to golfers will be the course routings. This will be published at the Golf Shop so please take note each time you play remembering some flexibility will be required to maximise the efficiency of the contractor. Regular updates will be published at the Golf Shop to keep everyone informed of progress and what’s coming next. Please keep a look out for these.
MiScore App
Last year the Club purchased the MiScore App to allow Members to score their round by using their smart phone instead of a traditional score card. Use of the MiScore App has numerous advantages, including being more environmentally friendly, and we would like to encourage as many Members as possible to use it. If you would like to learn more, please click on the link below or talk to one of our friendly staff in the Golf Shop.
Thank you to Irene Raymond for continuing to maintain our library. A cashless IOU payment system for your gold coin donation has been implemented and details on how to use this system are displayed alongside the book register. Donations go to the Ladies Welfare Account.
Margot’s Jam
Thank you to Margot McNee for her constant supply of delicious jams and chutney throughout the year. A cashless IOU payment system has been implemented and details on how to use this system are displayed alongside Margot’s produce in the locker room. Margot donates all profit to the Ladies Welfare Account.
BDLGA Announcement
Brisbane & District Ladies Golf Association Inc.
With the ongoing changes in our social distancing and Government regulations surrounding the ongoing pandemic we have decided to trial online registration, payment and scoring software, Golf Genius, for our first BDLGA event, the 4BBB Stableford Challenge, on Monday15 March 2021.
Once a player has registered, this software will enable us to:
- Let players register & pay online for themselves or team with ease.
- Send out messages when our events open.
- Send you personal draw information.
- Once the first event opens it will provide a Tournament Portal with ongoing leaderboard for the current event and also the ongoing Order of Merit Points Ladder.
- Scoring will be easy with the online mobile app provided FREE to all BDLGA members playing in our events. This enables us to let you know of any event changes efficiently.
- Tally the results with ease with less waiting time after your round.
For those women wishing to play in any of the BDLGA events this year, you can register now at the following linke – . Select Register to the District then you can download the Golf Genius App prior to play. You will get a message once the first event opens for online registration.
During Registration you are asked for +61 phone number. Just drop off the 0 in your mobile or local phone number to do this.
Enquiries to: Renai Ridley, BDLGA Tournament Director
M: 0423 770 428 | E:
Enter any BDLGA event for a chance to win a Major Raffle Prize and to qualify for the OOM Play-off Event at the end of 2021. Sponsored by Tour the Greens
Brisbane & District Ladies Golf Association Inc l ABN 87 890 552 772
E: l W:
We welcome your contributions of news, and items of interest. Email and don’t forget to “like” The Brisbane Gold Club on Facebook and Instagram.
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Upcoming Events
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Tuesday 23
- Feb Mid-week Monthly Medal Eclectic begins
- Greatest Reduction in handicp commences
- Tennyson Room Monthly Medal Luncheon begins
Saturday 27
- Feb Saturday Monthly Medal – Joan Fletcher Qualifying Round Eclectic begins
- Greatest Reduction in handicap commences
Previously known as the Weekend Championships, this became an Honour Board event and was renamed the Joan Fletcher Matchplay Championships in honour of Joan Fletcher in 2014. In 2017 it was again renamed as the Joan Fletcher Trophy to avoid it becoming a “Weekend Championship” by default in view of the revised format of the ladies’ Club Championships (see Club Championships). It is open to all ladies eligible to play on Saturday. Joan Fletcher attended in 2014 and 2015 presented the winner’s trophy. Division 1 was not contested in 2016. Joan Fletcher passed away in 2017.
Saturday 6 – Joan Fletcher Qtr Final
Tuesday 9 – Mid-week Monthly Medal
Saturday 13 – Saturday Monthly Medal
Tuesday 16 – Ladies’ Irish Day
Get your team together and start planning your costumes for our fun Irish Day. Mulligans and shenanigans, of course, with the usual suspect leprechauns, pots of gold, Guinness and Baileys, with special prizes awarded for the best-dressed team.
Saturday 20 – Joan Fletcher Semi Final
Tuesday 23 – Ladies Golf Day away – Indooroopilly or Royal QLD
Friday 26 – The Beatles Tribute Show
Saturday 27 – Joan Fletcher Final
Sudany 28 – Cherry Cribb – the friendly battle between 6-day and Full Members
A 4BBB event held on a Sunday event to provide an opportunity for weekend ladies to lay against mid-week players.
History: Cherry Cribb joined BGC in 1977 with no previous golfing experience. She served on the committee for six years from 1980. After standing down for one year, she returned to committee in 1987 for another two years. Most of this time she was House Committee Chairman, but also having trophy duties. In retirement she became an excellent cook and hosted many social events for golfers. She is best remembered by those who knew her as a loyal, hardworking committee member and House Chairman. Cherry passed away in August 1992 and left a legacy of a seat on the course. Apparently one year the LVA (Licensed Victuallers’ Association) special golf day was scheduled on the same Sunday as the Cherry Crib Memorial Day resulting in the Cherry Cribb being cancelled due to insufficient places in the field. To compensate the Associates, the LVA supplied them with lashings of champagne, a tradition which then continued for some time but has since been discontinued. The Minutes of the 1993 AGM show that the LVA Cup became the Cherry Crib Memorial Day, and it would be a 4BBB with winners (weekend and midweek) engraved on the LVA Cup.
The trophy is presented on the day by the President to either the Captain (representing the midweek players) or the Weekend Representative.
Tuesday 6 – Mid-week Monthly Medal
Friday 9 – Nine and Dine
Mark your calendar to be sure you don’t miss out on what has become a much-anticipated event in our social/golfing calendar. Shotgun start at 3.15pm with dinner 5.30pm for 6pm. Prepaid bookings are essential.
Tuesday 13 – Violet Midon Memorial Trophy – Qualifying Round
VIOLET MIDSON MEMORIAL TROPHY est. 1957 (formely the Annual Club Trophy)
- Qualifying Rounds – Tuesday 13 April
- First Round – Thursday 15 April
- Quarter Finals – Tuesday 20 April
- Semi Finals – Thursday 22 April
- Final Thursday 27 April
Violet and Mabel Midson joined BGC in 1913, and Violet was elected to the committee in 1924 and was Secretary from 1925-28. She returned to the committee in 1931 after the mass resignation of the previous committee at the end of 1930, and continued in office until the end of 1935.
She was recommended for Honorary Life Membership by the Associates AGM in 1935 however she was never accorded this honour. The Associates presented her with a crystal dressing table set, a gold and pearl brooch and a golf bag in appreciation of her services to them on the committee and as Honorary Secretary over nine years.
In 1957, the Annual Club Trophy was renamed the Violet Midson Memorial Trophy when Mabel Midson donated £100 for a trophy fund in memory of her sister. The competition format followed that of the Annual Club Trophy which it replaced and was played in four grades over 18 holes stroke with eight qualifiers in each grade to play off matchplay for the right to play off against the winners of the other grades. This was later changed to four qualifiers in each grade, as it remains today.
Saturday 18 – Mixed Foursomes
Friday 23 – Fawlty Towers Dining Experience
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Captain’s Corner
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Ladies, I would like to remind all players:
There is still time to enter the Winter Cup as the first round doesn’t start till April 8th.
A nomination sheet is out for the Cherry Cribb Memorial LVA Cup played on Sunday 28th March.
To use a scorecard when playing the Monthly Medals and Qualifying for Honour Board Events. Please remember to count your Putts on Monthly Medal days.
NTP are back in and there is a staked board placed off the green with a measuring tape, and a bottle of hand sanitiser for use by the players. The flag is not to be removed.
Thursdays are a one Tee Start from 6.30am and whether playing a social 18 holes or in the Competition of the day you must play 18 holes, use only one ball at a time and keep up with the group in front. With the one tee start the time sheet fills very quickly, if you have your name down and know you are not going to play please take your name out as early as possible to allow someone from the waitlist to take your spot.
Pace of Play – Please remember the aim is to get around in 4 hours which means you must keep up with the group in front. This way everyone’s game is more enjoyable. Pace of play will be monitored.
A reminder that Monday 1st March the course is closed to allow the greens to be aerified, top dressed, rolled and fertilised.
With Tuesday 23rd March our away day there will be two nomination sheets out at least a fortnight before, one for Indooroopilly and one for Royal Queensland please use them to nominate the time and club you wish to play at, and any partners you wish to play with.
Violet Midson Trophy. You must be available to play each of the rounds you enter this competition. The rounds begin on 15th April for the First Round, 20th April for the Quarter Finals, 22nd April for the Semi Finals and 27th April for the Final. All ladies wishing to qualify must play stroke (including C Grade) and use score cards only. Please remember to tick the qualifying box. The qualifying field will then be divided into four divisions of equal numbers according to handicap. The four best cards in each division will qualify for match play. This is one Honour Board event that higher markers have an opportunity to win. If you decide to have a caddie on any of your match play rounds, out of courtesy please notify your opponent before the day of your match.
Saturday Results
The Summer Cup was presented on Opening Day. A total of 35 ladies participated in the 2020-21 Summer Cup over five rounds. The silver cup was presented to the player with the highest aggregate score over their best three rounds. The winner, for a second year in a row, was Carolyn Martin with scores of 41, 40 and 34 stableford points.
Sixteen pairs qualified for the Johnson Staines match-play rounds with the first round to be played by 17th April. Quarter- Finals are to be played by Sunday 12th June, Semi-Finals by Saturday 24th July and the Final will be played on Saturday 28th August.
- Opening Day 6th Feb – 4BBB Stableford – Jody Pezet and Natalie Cook (48 points)
- Saturday 13th Feb – 4BBB Stableford – Angela Fong and Carolyn Martin (44 points)
- Saturday 20th Feb – Sue Gargett (40 points OCB)
Mid-week Results
Tuesday 9th February – Open Day 9 Hole Competition
- Front Nine – Karon Wikman
- Back Nine – Pat Sloan
Tuesday 16th February – Clare Kirkwood 4BBB Match Play (108 playing in the field – 54 pairs – 27 teams)
- Captain’s 14 wins
- President’s 12 wins
- One tied match
Tuesday 23rd March – Montly Medal
- A Grade – Kerrie O’Callaghan
- B grade – Perri Ilott
- C grade – Pip Holmes
- A Grade Gross – Hannah Reeves
- B Grade Gross – Perri Ilott
- C Grade Gross – Pip Holmes
- A Grade – Kerrie O’Callaghan
- B Grade – Trish Hopley
- C Grade – Robyn Cuming
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Book Review
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We love to read…
Book Review by member, Jan Dixon

The Imitator
Rebecca Starford
The drought has broken with loads of new fiction titles published in February! One of the best is The Imitator. Fans of both historical fiction and spy thrillers will love this debut novel by Rebecca Stanford. The non-linear narrative moves between 1939 and 1948: its pre and post-war settings allow the main character, Evelyn Varley, to grow from an under-confident and unhappy schoolgirl, to a calculating, manipulative spy. Like all good espionage novels, there is nail- biting infiltration of the enemy, smuggling of top -secret communiques, a twisty plot and unexpected denouement.
The novel also explores the rigid class structure of pre and post WWII England. Evelyn, a scholarship girl in a snooty boarding school, is bullied and made to feel inadequate; until she learns the art of staying in the background. She is also befriended by the daughter of one of the wealthiest families in England. She is catapulted from working class to the upper class; but is she ever truly accepted? Her schoolgirl and University experiences mould her into the perfect M15 agent. Ultimately, this is a novel about betrayal and Evelyn’s personal trajectory against the backdrop of the rumblings of WWII.
Want more to read?
Girl A by Abigail Dean- Psychological Thriller.
It’s had good reviews and if you are a fan of this genre you’ll probably like this tense tale. I decided I liked it – but it was unrelentingly grim!
Shuggie Bain by Douglas Stuart-Winner of the Booker Prize 2020.
This a beautifully written book about the life of Shuggie Bain, a boy from Glasgow growing up in a dysfunctional family in dire circumstances. A fantastically poignant and inspiring read.
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Susie Eagleton interviews Cheryl Davies
Susie: Tell us about your introduction to golf.
Cheryl: I lived in Lismore and my parents were keen golfers, so around the age of 12, I started to play golf. Fortunately, we lived across the road from the course, so after school most days I would ride my bike home, collect golf bag which consisted of 6 clubs, and buggy and race over to the course. The Pro there at the time was Bob Swinbourne, who took me under his wing and gave me lessons and insisted I drop into the Pro shop each time and he would nurture and check my swing. His assistant Pro, maybe he was an apprentice only, was a very young Charlie Earp, who would also offer advice, little knowing then what he would accomplish during his lifetime.
Susie: Did you play in many competitions as a junior?
Cheryl: I won my first competition at Casino at 14 and the trophy was a pink and grey casserole dish which I cherished for many years. I played in the NSW Junior State Championship at Royal Sydney in roughly 1961. My partner, also from Lismore, and I were runners up in the Junior State Foursomes Championship. After school I moved to Sydney and eventually went overseas returning in 1967 and joined Bankstown Golf Club and played A Grade Pennants for a few years before retiring again to have children and had little golf for several years.
Susie: When did you join BGC?
Cheryl: Moving to Brisbane I joined The Brisbane Golf Club in 1984. I was given a handicap of about 26 as you were only allowed 2 strokes per year of absence. Naturally 1985 was a great golfing year having all the extra shots and came back down to A Grade within the year. I was a very popular partner for fourballs and Honour Board events!!
Susie: What was your lowest handicap?
Cheryl: My lowest handicap at BGC was 7 and in 1990 I was delighted to win the Club Championship. I have played Pennants from 1985 to 2019 and enjoyed every minute of it.
Susie: What are some of the biggest changes you’ve seen at BGC?
Cheryl: I think one of the biggest changes are electronic timesheets through to scoring apps and emails. How times have changed over the years, but I feel for the better. The course has changed significantly, and the fairways now are free of weeds, green and lush. I was on the Ladies Committee and Secretary for many years which I enjoyed, even though we had to shower and change before announcement duties and meetings. The LLG programme that we have now is a fabulous way to start golf and introduce more ladies to our wonderful Club.
Thank you for this opportunity to show my appreciation to the BGC which I love and have enjoyed for all these years and to wish our great Ladies Committee a successful and happy year.
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New Members – January & February
A very warm welcome is extended to some new members and we acknowledge some member movements from January this year.
Rhonda Dudley and Helen Byrne joined as Introductory members. They are actively joining in the escorted Ladies, Let’s Golf sessions on Thursday and Saturday.
We had ladies upgrade from Pathway to Membership with Wendy Loughlin moving to 6-day membership and Lyn McErlean to Full Membership. Elaine Jensen also moved to Full Membership from 6-day membership. Wendy, Lyn and Elaine are making full use of their change in membership so make them feel welcome if you meet them in competition.
And of course, Sunny the Border Collie who joined the Brisbane Golf Club in January.
Ladies Committee
Ladies Committee 2021- (Back) Kerri McGuire, Trish Quinn, Cath Reidy, Anna Lyons, Lisa Schoutrop,
(Front) Janet Nathanson, Helen Caris, Sue Lewandowski, Catherine Hammond, Andree Millard.
For those of you who wonder what on earth your Committee get up to, here’s a little run-down of who does what.
Sue Lewandowski, President, is responsible for chairing the Ladies Committee and ensuring the smooth operations of the committee, golfing and social events. Liaising between the Ladies Committee, management and General Committee. Sue is also a member of the Club’s Member Services Sub-Committee.
Helen, Captain, is responsible for all matters relating to the actual playing of the game of golf including rules interpretation and etiquette on the course and the scheduling of the golfing program. This includes liaising with the Golf Shop in managing the daily competitions. Helen is also the Club’s BDLGA representative, Chair of the Ladies Match Sub-Committee and a member of the Club’s Match Committee.
Anna Lyons, Vice President, assists Sue in carrying out her duties and is compiler/editor of the News from the Red Tees. Anna is also a member of the Club’s Member Services Sub-Committee.
Janet Nathanson, Vice Captain, assists Helen in carrying out her duties and is on Match Sub-Committee. Janet is also taking care of trophies which involves solicitation of donations, allocation of donors to events, ensuring the trophy cards are printed for presentation at Tuesday and Saturday presentations, and that Trophy Vouchers are issued accordingly, as well as sourcing appropriate trophy prizes for our special events. Janet is also a member of the Club’s Match Committee and the Ladies Match Sub-Committee.
Trisha Quinn, Hon. Secretary, maintains minutes of meetings, and deals with correspondence and documents. Trisha is also a member of the Club’s Member Services Sub-Committee.
Andree Millard, Hon. Treasurer, is responsible for maintaining a record of all expenditures, receipting all moneys, paying accounts and preparing financial reports for the monthly Committee meetings and the AGM, and running sweeps and raffles through the year.
Catherine Hammond, Saturday Representative, is responsible for managing all aspects of the golf and social program for the ladies who play on Saturdays. Catherine is also a member of the Club’s Member Services Sub-Committee, the Ladies Sub Match Sub-Committee, the Club’s Workplace Health & Safety Committee and the Club’s General Committee.
Lisa Schoutrop and Kerry McGuire mentor our new lady members and help them settle into the Club, as well as doing a “meet and greet” with ladies participating in the Ladies, Let’s Golf clinics. They organise volunteer on-course escorts for the LLG members and assist their progression through the various membership levels.
Cath Reidy is our go-to girl for all things related to facilities and events. She follows up on any repairs and maintenance required to the ladies locker room. Cath also organises our morning teas for special days and at-home pennant fixtures and decorates the Tennyson Room tables on our special days.
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Unplayable Ball Rule
If you are in a situation where you don’t want to or don’t think you can play your ball, you always have the option of taking relief under the unplayable ball Rule. The player is the only person who can decide that their ball is unplayable, and this can be done anywhere on the golf course except when your ball lies in a penalty area. If your ball is in a penalty area, your only relief option is to take relief under the penalty area Rule.
When you decide that your ball is unplayable, you have three relief options, all for one penalty stroke. Your first option is to go back to the spot of your previous stroke and play again (stroke and distance relief). Your second option is to go back as far as you’d like and drop on the line from the hole through the spot where the ball lies (back-on-the-line relief). Your third option is to drop anywhere within two club-lengths of where your ball lies, no closer to the hole (lateral relief).
If your ball lies in a bunker, you must remain inside the bunker under options two and three. You also have a fourth option for an extra penalty stroke (two penalty strokes total) which allows you to go back on the line and drop your ball outside the bunker.
Tip by BGC Professional, Lee Eagleton
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Ladies, Let’s Golf On-course Adventures
Our Ladies, Let’s Golf program began again in February. Ladies Let’s Golf is a wonderful program that introduces new players to our course. As part of this program, volunteer lady members escort Ladies Let’s Golfers around our course for 9 holes on either Thursday or Saturday afternoons. During this time players are educated on course management, etiquette and pace of play, etc.
Escort sessions have already begun, and a number of our lady members have volunteered for this mentoring role. Thank you for your kind assistance. If you are interested in participating as an escort, please contact Lisa Schoutrop or Kerri McGuire. Escorting timetables can be found on the notice board in the Ladies locker room. We can always use your help. A nice idea is to do this with a friend.
If you have any friends, relatives, neighbours or work colleagues who may be interested in taking up golf, then you’re encouraged to invite them to come along to the next free introductory sessions.
Heard in the Locker Room
Eagle on the 9th! Congratulations, Jodi Holmes for achieving this impressive feat in November during the Intergenerational Cup. Jodi hit two fabulous fairway shots, and she and her playing companions watched in awe as her magnificent chip to the green rolled in the hole. Well done, Jodi. A golfing moment to treasure. Here she is teeing off at Christmas time in her Santa socks…….Anne Clifton, what are you looking at?
Golfers or Gardeners?
Many thanks to our dedicated group of volunteer gardeners, Robyn Cuming, Cheryl Davies, Lyn Brandon, Margot McNee, Sandy Haydock and Liz Foreman. They get together on the first Friday of each month and put their green thumbs to work in the Entrance, Club House, Jacaranda and 10th Tee gardens. This month your editor bumped into these hardworking ladies, it was uplifting to see them chatting and laughing whilst working away. They did, however, seem keen to stop and chat. Sandy and Liz were missing, maybe they were playing golf?
Robyn Cuming, Cheryl Davies, Lyn Brandon & Margot McNee (absent: Sandy Haydock & Liz Foreman)
Lunch and Golf – 2020
A lovely finale to the 2020 golfing year.
Tuesday Christmas breakup was a great success. The theme was fun and laughter, and began with a joke, lucky plate and trivia competition. A photographic video was then played showing photos from a great range of years. The decorations all looked great and helped to set the scene.
Saturday Christmas Breakup was also a great success. The theme was a Crazy Covid Christmas inspired many great costumes for the day. The golf (Ambrose) was lots of fun. The photographic presentation was enjoyed by all. The finale was a birthday cake organised for the three octogenarians in the group, Liz Foreman, Heather McCarthy and Bev Folliott.
Opening Days 2021
Saturday Ladies Opening Day was held on 6th February with 38 ladies playing a 4BBB Stableford competition which acted as the qualifying round for our first Honour Board event the Johnson Staines Championships. The ladies enjoyed a delicious lunch – thank you to Chef Josh and Rudy for a wonderful start to our year.
Midweek Ladies Opening Day was well attended with a full field playing 9 holes of golf and then 138 ladies in the Tennyson Room for a complimentary lunch afterward (thanks Geoff). The Bring and Buy this year had a market feel, with marquees out in the Centenary Gardens. The Bring and Buy table was, as always, laden with interesting craftwork and tasty treats. This was a very successful fundraising day with $2271 raised with our raffle and stalls. Thank you to everyone for your generosity and assistance in getting our year off to a great start.
Clare Kirkwood 4BBB Match Play (Est 2000) – Tuesday, 16 February
The Clare Kirkwood was played the following week, and again was well contested. The Captain’s team put up too strong a competition and were the winners for 2021.
A great line up of past presidents and captains played in the field.
Sue Lewandowski
Sue Eagleton
Sue Turner
Amanda Harburg
Julie Whan
Liz McRenolds
Margot McNee
Robyn Cuming
Helen Placanica
Helen Caris
Lynne Conroy
Robyn Elphinstone
Ann Fell
Elaine Edgerton
Joan Fisher
Karen Crichton
Liz McReynolds
Margot McNee
Bev Deane
History of the Event
Held in honour of past Captain Clare Kirkwood who joined the Club in 1970, playing initially with the “business girls” on Saturday mornings, and stepping up as Weekend Representative in 1974-75. After the birth of her children, Clare transferred to midweek golf, honing her skills to become an “A” grader and representing the Club in pennant competitions for 13 years. Her name appears on the Honour Boards eight times.
In 1983 Clare became Vice Captain, and served as Captain from 1985 to 1988 and this kick-started her passion for golf administration. She joined the committee of the BLDGA, was later appointed to the QLGU (now WGQ), serving for nine years on Match Committee. She was City Vice President in 1993, and WGQ President in 1997, a position she held until her death.
Clare was delegate to the ALGU for six years, five as Chairman of Technical and Match Committee. For nine years she was Tournament Director of the Ladies’ Masters, the event still held each year at Royal Pines. In 1999 she was appointed the non-playing Captain of Australia’s Queen Sirikit team to New Zealand. She was highly regarded as a rules guru and refereed numerous state and national finals.
Clare was diagnosed with breast cancer in the early 1990s and even with ensuing health problems she carried out these golfing achievements with determination and great courage.
She was very proud when this lovely trophy was named in her honour, and she was here to present it to the first winning team, the Captain’s, in 2000. Life Member Jill Hughes relates the story of playing with Clare in what turned out to be her last round of golf in April 2000; she was enthusiastically planning on buying a new set of clubs to improve her game. Clare died in August 2000.
Clare Kirkwood was passionate about golf. She was passionate about The Brisbane Golf Club, and she would enjoy knowing this event is keenly contested each year.
(Thanks to Bev Deane for this history of her friend, supplied in 2010.)
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New in the Golf Shop – Ladies Footjoy Shoes
These fantastic shoes are not only super comfortable and light weight, they are also waterproof! See Asha in the Pro Shop for more colour options and styles.
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Send in your golfing travel photos.
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Associates’ Opening Day – Tuesday, 30 March 1937
In 1937 the Brisbane Golf Club had a strong contingent of Associates; it was still peacetime and the mood was obviously upbeat and positive.
Opening Day, Tuesday 30 March 1937 saw a field of 34 ladies (“not as large as might be expected later in the month”) play a Canadian foursomes event and the day was featured in a large article, with pictures, on page 11 of The Telegraph newspaper’s evening edition. While golf result were detailed in a separate article on the same page (with Miss Hood, the then Queensland and BGC club champion, reported as being “in form” – and with her partner, Mrs F. Jones coming in with nett 59) many more column inches were dedicated to the “gay appearance” of the associates’ veranda and what the women were wearing.
Stylish, elegant and colour co-ordinated from their hats to their shoes. Special mention was made of “coloured arm-lets” to carry tees. Much more sophisticated than putting them in your pocket. Panama hats were the order of the day, with different coloured bands to highlight their outfits.
So, in the 125th year of our club, take a moment to read about our Opening Day 84 years ago. It is a trip well worth taking down memory lane.
WITH a swish, a click and a whine, golf balls travelled over the fair ways at the Brisbane Golf Club links to-day when the associates held their opening of the 1937 season. The course is one of the most picturesque and the best laid out. The greens, which have been recently top-dressed, were running true and the well grassed fair ways were in splendid condition. Most of the associates who take the game seriously have been playing during the late summer afternoons and the week-ends, so as not to lose touch.
The associates’ veranda presented a gay appearance with lacquered chairs finished by canvas in bright tangerine shades and gaily patterned grass mats. The lounges and chairs covered in a soft shade of brown harmonised with the curtains of cottage weave in autumn tonings which hang over the windows overlooking the second green. The small tea tables were decked with vases of tawny- shaded dahlias and golden glows. Although too early in the season for the autumn fashions, some smart out fits were worn. Looking across the links, all shades of blue were the most outstanding colours chosen. Gone are the days “when any old thing will do” for golf. Every attention is paid to the detail of the ensemble. The popular vogue for light coloured skirts and dark blouses still continues. Two- toned shoes have replaced the more sombre types of black or brown. Golf bags, too, share the colour mode. Sometimes they are made in blue, red or a light shade of tortoise-shell.
On the associates’ day a bouffet is arranged in the men’s dining-room. Today a number of groups seated in lounge chairs were either discussing the round just completed or making plans for further games, as nearly everyone takes the opportunity to fill their fixture cards for the season on opening day.
Mrs. T. B. Hunter and her partner, Mrs. E. W. Walmsley. with their opponents, Mrs. R. H. Jones and Miss Mary Lambert, were among the first to drive off in the Canadian four somes. A brown and white sports frock allied with a panama hat banded in brown was worn by Mrs. Hunter. Mrs. Walmsley chose wedge-wood blue linen cut on pinafore lines with a blue and white-spotted shirt. She added a white topee. With her blue pique short-sleeved blouse Miss Lambert allied a pale grey linen skirt and a panama hat. Miss W. Brennan (associates’ secretary), who was busy arranging games for players without partners, chose pink pleated linen trimmed with matching buttons, and a beige hat touched with brown. A holland skirt with a row of self-coloured buttons down the side, allied with a sky-blue shirt and a maroon tie, formed the choice of Miss Eleanor Hart (Associates’ captain), Her shady panama was banded in blue. Mrs. J. K. Cannan wore a cream panama hat with her tailored sports frock of valley blue linen, which was trimmed with navy buttons.
Miss Peggy Cummins, who played with Miss Marjorie Crimes, favoured a sky- blue tailored linen skirt and a deep cream open weave blouse, and a hat in the same fabric as her skirt. Wedge- wood blue cut on tailored lines relieved by red and white buttons was favoured by Miss Grimes. She added a white sports hat. Their opponents were Mesdames K. T. Kennedy and J. C. Coakes. One of the new coloured arm-lets for holding tees was worn by the former with her pink linen skirt and white shirt-blouse. A band of pink linen relieved her white panama hat. With her beige hat Mrs. Coakes wore a matching linen skirt and a blue and white spotted tailored blouse. Mrs. Alan Cummins’ natural linen skirt belted in navy was worn with a navy blouse and a natural hat.
Miss Dot Hood (State champion) allied a beige silk shirt-blouse with a smartly-cut white linen skirt, and a white panama hat, finished with a brown band. Miss May Dowling’s white sports frock was patterned in a blue spot and trimmed with matching buttons. Her white hat also showed touches of blue. Daffodil linen finished by brown buttons and allied with a beige hat formed the choice of Miss F. Brennan. Straw-coloured slub linen fashioned on tailored lines was worn by Miss V. Steindl with her panama hat. Mrs. H. M. Turner tucked an autumn toned scarf in the neckline of her beige linen tailored frock which she wore with a natural panama hat. Mrs. R. H. Berry chose a plaid skirt in shades of green, yellow and black. With it she wore a yellow silk blouse and a while panama hat banded in green. Brown and white flecked linen topped by a beige hat trimmed with brown and brown and white golf shoes fashioned a smart outfit worn by Mrs. George Thomson.
Mrs. E. F. Gilchrist, who is the only honorary associate life member In Queensland, wore a grey blouse with her black fleck tweed skirt and hat of black velours. Mrs. B. Darvall, who was playing with Mrs. Gilchrist, only returned from Toowoomba this morning where she took part in the Easter golf tournament. With Mrs. Russell (Toowoomba) she won the four ball competition. With her black and white high necked blouse, Mrs. Darvall wore a lightweight tweed skirt and a white panama hat. Mrs. Norman Pixley featured a Congo brown blouse with her white linen skirt and matching hat. A flecked linen skirt finished by a brightly coloured raffia belt allied with a Wedgewood blue shirt and a natural panama hat was worn by Miss H. Spowers. Mrs. S. E. Travill wore a blue and white scarf with her pink short sleeved blouse and white linen skirt. To it she added a white hat.
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