News from The Red Tees | May 2021
Welcome to the May edition of the News from the Red Tees. Since the last edition we’ve enjoyed Easter festivities, survived another lock down, rain, rain and more rain. Wet weather causing course closures is a Captain’s nightmare with events needing to be rescheduled into an already packed calendar and, needless to say, a lot of extra work for our groundsmen who do such a wonderful job in getting the course back to its absolute best. There’s plenty of golf ahead with the 54 hole event, Club Championships and the start of pennant season. Here’s to a run of perfect golfing conditions!
Plenty to chat about this month, grab a cup of the good stuff and settle in for a read about all things, ladies golf at BGC.
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Ladies President’s Note
In my Opening Day address, I discussed the three values (taken from Australia Day celebrations) that I felt were important for this 125th year of the Brisbane golf club, and they were to reflect, respect and celebrate. Just recently I have been reminded of one of those celebratory items at the Brisbane golf club, and that is the strong sense of community amongst our members. This year some of our members have been busy organising successful social groups such as the Ladies Senior Golf days (organised by Liz McReynolds), and the Mahjong players (organised by Vivienne Cassidy and Vicky McDonald). These additional activities in our club are creating such an exciting buzz and are an excellent addition to the club community.
The other example of community has been the extraordinary support displayed to some of our members going through difficult times. This support has been extended in many forms such as gifts, flowers, and often just a simple phone call to let them know they are being remembered.
Thank you to all of our members who have contributed to this strong sense of community.
We have a very busy calendar ahead for the next couple of months with Pennants, Club Championships and Guest Days. Good luck to everyone involved and thank you to all of the volunteers who assist in making these days a great success.
Happy golfing.
Sue Lewandowski,
Ladies President
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Notices and News
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Tennyson Room and Special Event Day Lunches and Shotgun Starts
For the time being we will continue with the current format of emailing an invitation to lunch with details of the menu and any other relevant information. Moving forward it would be appreciated if everyone playing in the field could rsvp, letting us know your intention either way. This will help us monitor expected finishing times for those attending lunch with a view to finer timing of announcements. This month we will trial holding announcements at 1pm.
Access News from the Red Tees from the Website
You can access the latest News from the Red Tees from the website. Scroll down to the bottom of the home page to Latest News & Events and click on Red Tees “Read More”.
New Irrigation System
The irrigation project was again impacted by wet weather experienced during the month. We are pleased to advise that irrigation has been installed on Hole 4 and 5, and at the time of writing this report, Hole 6 was being completed. Over the next four weeks we will be working on Hole 3, 7, 2 and 8. Unfortunately due to wet weather delays we are approximately 4 weeks behind schedule. Members are reminded to keep safe when walking a hole that is being worked on. Please keep away from the work zones and follow the direction of our course staff.
Weekly updates on our irrigation are published and distributed via the Golf Shop. Please don’t hesitate to ask if you have any questions.
MiScore App
During our April Monthly Medal lunch in the Tennyson Room, Jacki from MiScore shared a presentation of the many interesting features of the MiScore application. A copy of Jacki’s presentation was circulated to the ladies membership via email in April.
In addition to the features contained in Jacki’s presentation booklet, Jacki demonstrated on her phone (connected to the big screen) some additional features, including a powerful and accurate, location and measuring feature encompassing an aerial view of the hole with the ability to measure from tee to hazard (or any other chosen point) to green. We now have a slide (no. 16) for this feature. Click here to view the updated presentation booklet.
We have invited Jacki back for another follow up presentation at our monthly medal luncheon and we will confirm the date nearer to the time. In the meantime, please keep in mind any features/questions you would like her to cover.
Remember that the MiScore app automatically applies the shots to holes for your handicap. You can view the index of a hole in the app by clicking on the box labelled SHOTS (next to the PAR button). Another good reason to make the switch from scorecards to the MiScore App.
Top Tip for using the MiScore App – purchase a portable pocket phone charger. From as little as $20-odd you will never have an excuse or the inconvenience of your phone battery running on red.
Power Pod $49.95
Winter Cup
The Winter Cup starts this month and it’s not too late to enter with the nomination sheet in the ladies locker room. Details of competition: Best 3 of 6 rounds / Played on Thursday 13 May / Thursday 17 June / Thursday 24 June / Thursday 8 July / Thursday 26 August / Thursday 23 September. All entry fees will be used as a cash prize to the winners being apportioned as follows: Winner 50% / Second 25% / Third 15% / Fourth 10%. Entry fee is $5.
Golf Core
Matt Winkley, Exercise Physiologist & Gennai Goodwin, Exercise Physiologist
Matt Winkley from WinkFit has teamed up with professional golfer and exercise physiologist, Gennai Goodwin. Some of you may remember Gennai from her days training with the QAS Squad at The Brisbane Golf Club.
Together Matt and Gennai have created a programme specifically for lady golfers called “GolfCore”. At its centre GolfCore is a mixture of all the best bits of mobility, pilates and yoga together with bodyweight and band strength work to improve the athleticism.
Weekly 1-hour sessions with Gennai are scheduled to start the week of Monday, 10 May and each week there will be tweaks to the programme to keep it fresh and interesting. Ladies need to bring their own yoga mats and water bottle but other than that, Winkfit will supply any other equipment needed. Timetable, booking and payment details will be circulated by Matt and Gennai from Winkfit as soon as they have been finalised.
The classes will be held in the Tennyson Room and are designed to be inclusive with size, shape, fitness, age and ability not limiting participation. If you haven’t already signed up for a class, you can join at any time by emailing Gennai –
Let’s get strong and fit, so we can hit them long and straight!
We welcome your contributions of news, and items of interest. Email or and don’t forget to “like” The Brisbane Gold Club on Facebook and Instagram.
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Upcoming Events
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Saturday 1 – Guest Day 4BBB
Tuesday 4 – 54 Hole Event – Round 1 / Monthly Medal (rescheduled from March due to rain)
Thursday 6 – 54 Hole Event – Round 2
Saturday 8 – Monthly Medal / Ex WAAF – Round 1
Sunday 9 – Mother’s Day Breakfast
Tuesday 11 – 54 Hole Event – Round 3
Thursday 13 – Winter Cup – Round 2
Entries still welcome. Sign up via nomination sheet in locker room.
Sunday 16 – Ladies Hosting Pennants WE 1 and WE 2
Tuesday 18 – Grace Wilson Memorial Day
Friday 21 – Nine and Dine – An Evening with David Finalyson from Howard Smith’s Wharf
Mark your calendar to be sure you don’t miss out on what has become a much-anticipated event in our social / golfing calendar. Shotgun start at 3.15pm with dinner 5.30pm for 6pm. Prepaid bookings are essential.
Tuesday 25 – Monthly Medal / Tanner Cup (HC 1-18)
Saturday 29 – Ladies Club Championship – 1st Round Option/Weekend Memorial Salver
Tuesday 1 – Ladies Club Championship – 1st Round Option / Senior Salver Round 1
Thursday 3 – Ladies Club Championship – 2nd Round Option / Senior Salver Round 2
Saturday 5 – Ladies Club Championship – 2nd Round Option
Tuesday 8 – 20 Year Anniversary Trophy
Friday 11 – Ladies Hosting Pennants Silver 1 and Bronze 1 / Trivia Night
Start getting your team of eight together for our fun filled Trivia Night and prepare yourself for a night of thinking and laughter with this year’s master of ceremonies, member Susan Eagleton. A grazing plater and plenty of trivia fun for only $20 per person ($25 non-members). Pre-paid bookings are essential and can be made by contacting Kimberely or Karla at the office.
Saturday 12 – Johnson Staines Semi Finals to be completed
Sunday 13 – Ladies Club Championship Quarter Finals Match Play
Tuesday 15 – Monthly Medal
Thursday 17 – Winter Cup – Round 3
Saturday 19 – Monthly Medal/Heather Timms – Round 1
Sunday 20 – Ladies Club Championship Semi Finals Match Play
Thursday 24 – Winter Cup Round 1 (rescheduled from 8 April due to rain)/Senior Ladies Competition Booking Sheet (via email) opens at 7pm – competition date Friday 23 July
Friday 25 – Faulty Towers – The Dining Experience
Saturday 26 – Nat Green Foursomes Qualifying Round
Sunday 27 – Ladies Club Championship Finals Match Play
Tuesday 29 – 36 Hole Foursome Championship
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Vice Captain’s Corner
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Well, what a month it has been, first with plenty of rain, and then a Covid Lock Down, which have played havoc with our mid-week golfing calendar. At least we were able to celebrate Easter.
Please keep an eye on the board in the entrance of the Ladies Locker Room, as it is being used to inform you of any upcoming events and rescheduling of events where required, and anything else that is deemed important.
Our monthly medal and honour board event results are listed below. Well done to all the winners. It is noted with great interest that our midweek monthly medal winners all had nett scores less than 70.
The first round of the 54 hole event will be played in conjunction with a Monthly Medal on Tuesday 4 May, the second round on Thursday 6 May, and the final round on Tuesday 8 May. It is important to note that these 3 rounds will also be used towards our annual putting competition, so please remember to record your putts. At this stage, cards will be used to score, as we are still learning about the finer points of using the Mi-Score app to score putts.
The BDLGA, has started a new competition to reward its Member Clubs. The competition runs from May to October, where the 3 lowest nett scores in a Monthly Medal need to be forwarded to the BDLGA, and the only limitation is that each player can only have one score submitted per month. The first three winning clubs will share a cash prize of $1000! So, all you have to do, is perform really well during Monthly Medal rounds, and the rest will be up to Helen, who will need to submit your scores.
The Match Committee has managed to grant the wishes of a number of players, to include a number of 4BBB competitions on a Thursday. The first one being on the 29 April. Please check the Notice Board in the Locker Room, and also the electronic diary for all future dates.
A reminder, that if you need further clarification on using the “split-index” system when scoring on paper cards, it can be found on the notice board in the locker room.
If you are a competition winner and have not received your prize, please see me for collection.
Helen will be on deck for the next Captain’s corner… right now she is taking time out to deal with a recent bereavement in her family, and I would like to take this time to send our good wishes to her and her family in this difficult time.
Janet Nathanson,
Ladies Vice Captain
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Midweek Results
- Monthly Medal A Grade – Erica Vedelago (nett 66)
- Monthly Medal B Grade – Millie Coorey (nett 69)
- Monthly Medal C Grade – Lily Holmes (nett 63)
Saturday Results
- Monthly Medal Div 1 – Yvonne Butcher (nett 68)
- Monthly Medal Div 2 – Kathryn Ash (nett 70)
Mixed Foursomes Fourquex Champions – 36 hole event
The highly contested mixed foursomes – always a challenging event, and for those who partnered their spouses, it was surely questioned whether this was a good idea. However, after some heavy rain falling the night before, the morning of 18 April saw the sun shining and apart from a few soggy patches, conditions could not have been better, and all pairs set out with good intentions to complete this 36-hole event and still be good friends, or still married, at the end. Happily, everyone left the field relieved to have completed the event with partnerships and friendships intact, albeit a few smiles that resembled more a grimace. But all in all, it was a great day especially for our winners, Anna Lambert and Llija Soldan with a Gross Score of 160 beating Asha Hargreaves and Hugh Brereton on a count back. The nett winners, winning the Holmes Family Trophy were Allison Cook and Stephen Deane.
Mixed Foursomes Fourqueux Champions, Anna Lambert and Llija Soldan
Holmes Family Trophy (nett winners) – Alison Cook & Stephen Deane, flanked by Ash Berenice & Michael Holmes
Some on course Mixed Foursomes snaps…
Violet Midson Memorial Trophy
The finals of Violet Midson was played on 27 April between Kathryn Hillier and Laura Cunning. Both ladies had played tremendously well over the previous rounds and deserved their place in the final. It is always a pity that we have to have only one winner when both have played such good golf. Congratulations Kathryn on your hard fought win and thank you to both ladies for giving us a great final.
Violet Midson Trophy winner, Kathryn Hiller and her Road to Victory
John Staines 4BBB Match Play Draw
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The Ladies Pennant Competition enjoys a rich history within the Brisbane Golf Club, and we are looking forward with great excitement to the Pennant season commencing this month. The players are busy practicing and honing their skills in readiness for battle. Good luck ladies and may the golfing gods shine down on you.
Midweek Pennant Draw
Gold – versus | Silver Zone 1 – versus | Bronze Zone 1 – versus | |
Fri 14-May | Pacific at McLeod | Indooroopilly at Oxley | Pacific at Mt Warren Park |
Fri 21-May | Nudgee at Redcliff | Oxley at Pacific | McLeod at Pacific |
Fri 28-May | McLeod at Royal Qld | Royal Qld at Keperra | Ashgrove at Keperra |
Fri 04-Jun | BYE at Indooroopilly | Pacific at Indooroopilly | Oxley at Ashgrove |
Fri 11-Jun | Royal Qld at Pacific | BYE at Brisbane | Keperra at Brisbane |
Fri 18-Jun | Redcliff at Wantima | McLeod at Royal Qld | Indooroopilly at Indooroopilly |
Fri 25-Jun | Wantima at Nudgee | Keperra at McLeod | Mt Warren Park at McLeod |
Weekend Pennant Draw
Weekend 1 – versus | Weekend 3 – versus | |
Sun 16-May | Keperra at Brisbane | Redcliff at Brisbane |
Sun 23-May | Indooroopilly at Indooroopilly | Keperra at Keperra |
Sun 30-May | Nudgee at McLeod | Nudgee at Virginia |
Sun 06-Jun | McLeod at River Lakes | Virginia at Redland Bay |
Sun 13-Jun | River Lakes at Nudgee | Redland Bay at Wynnum |
Sun 20-Jun | Meadowbrook at Nudgee | Wantima at Nudgee |
Sun 27-Jun | Oxley at Keperra | Wynnum at Redcliff |
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We love to read…
Book Review by member, Leigh Clarke
The Serpent’s Skin
Erin Reddan
The Serpent’s Skin is a novel by new Australian author, Erin Reddan. It follows the lives of four children, surviving as best they can in a cloud of their father’s lies and misery after the mysterious disappearance and death of their mother. The story is told by JJ and it follows their search to uncover the truth to finally set them free of their past.
A great read.
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Kerry Estella and Millie Coorey in conversation…
Let’s talk golf…
Why did we choose to join Brisbane Golf Club?
Kerry: I have been a proud resident in Yeronga for 25 years, so it made sense to join a local club and my husband Eugene was already a member. When our youngest Nick was in Year 1, Kellie Drew and I decided to join, get some lessons and try a new sport which we shared with our husbands. I love the outdoors, so an 8km walk in the sun with like-minded ladies is always lovely and hopefully a few good golf shots in between.
Millie: Similarly, Anthony was a member since 2004. Time has now allowed me to be able to play after raising 5 children. I loved playing a game with you and Kellie in 2018 despite picking the ball up on most fairways before I got to the green! It was enough to get me to come along to Ladies Let’s Golf here at BGC and Victoria Park.
What has been a Highlight for us at BGC?
Kerry: I have a few fond memories here playing golf. I have loved how supportive everyone is and encouraging. I won the Nellie Hatton with Anne Fell in my first year which was exciting, and I realized how much I enjoy Match Play, being part of a team and it’s nice to see my name in Gold on the Honour Board.
Millie: 2020 was such a different year with the global pandemic…I played a lot of golf with a variety of people. Captains Challenge holing the 11th with my husband, fellow clubman Michael Brandon and a Southport Magistrate was random and a complete surprise. Competing and winning the Violet Midson was nerve wracking. It was a crash course in learning rules of Matchplay, scoring and playing in the spirit of the game.
Do we have a favourite “go to” club?
Kerry: I still have my original Callaway 5 Hybrid in my bag that never fails to give me confidence, especially when I am having a tough day on the course.
Millie: I’ve retired Anthony’s 17-year-old Ben Hogan’s that I have been using and purchased some new Pings. So, I’m back to working out what I can hit and where…I do love a 5 iron!
Millie: Kerry, where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Kerry: In 5 years, I would love to be an A grader. My business Smooth Profile is keeping me very busy at the moment. I see Eugene and I playing more golf together and having travelling golf trips with our friends and other couples who enjoy this sport as much as we do. We really enjoy utilizing our reciprocal courses around the country and have always been warmly welcomed. I hope to be playing golf for many years and I am always inspired by the other women at the club independent of age and how capable they are.
Kerry: Millie, do you have any tips for new Members?
Millie: Be gentle with yourself. It is a game and sport which provides great exercise. BGC is a wonderful club with lovely facilities, and we are fortunate to play here. There is so much to learn about golf. Rules, course regulations, etiquette, equipment, scoring and all while trying to keep pace of play and hit this small white ball. Have fun, be patient and kind – enjoy the companionship and relax…it’s simply golf.
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We love to eat…
Recipe by member, Janet Hefferan
In case you hadn’t heard, Janet is a master in the kitchen! Before establishing herself as a jeweller, Janet ran a successful catering company for many years, and she is more than happy to share some of her special recipes.
Janet’s take on Maggie Beer recipe, Braised Chicken with Vinegar & Figs – Serves 4
4 chicken maryland’s, trim & slit skin, so flavours can penetrate chicken- jointed
1/4 cup chopped **panchetta
1 lemon peeled
2 tbspn olive oil
2 red onion chopped
**Half red & green capsicum chopped roughly
8 fresh figs halved lengthways or (pkt **soft Angus Park figs tipped & halved)
2 tbspn red wine vinegar
2 tspn lemon thyme chopped
2 sprigs Rosemary
1 stick cinnamon
1/4 cup white wine or Verjuice
1 cup of chicken stock
To taste sea salt & pepper
2 tbspn honey
**these are in addition to Maggie’s recipe.
- To prepare the chicken, cut through the thigh & drumstick bone to give 2 separate pieces. Slit the skin and trim off excess fat.
- Pre heat oven to 180C.
- Peel lemon with vegetable peeler, cut into thin strips.
- Place a non stick fry pan or skillet over a medium- high heat. Add 1 tbspn oil fry off the panchetta, red onion & capsicum when slightly cooked add figs with the remaining olive oil, cook for a further 5 min.
- Lay panchetta & vegetables in an ovenproof dish. Start the layer effect. Reserve some panchetta,figs & colorful veges for the top. Pour over half the vinegar. Place the raw chicken pieces on top of veges. Add 1 rosemary sprig stripped, half thyme, also the Lemon peel. Pour over remaining vinegar and add cinnamon quill.
- Pour 1/4 cup verjuice or wine, 1/2 cup stock, season with S&P.
- Add the remaining panchetta, figs & veges, other stripped sprig of rosemary, remaining thyme, and drizzle the honey over the top of the chicken dish.
- Place into a preheated oven & roast for 30-40min on 180C, basting occasionally to achieve a good colour.
- Remove from oven, place into a serving dish, rest 10-15 min while straining off juices, place in a saucepan to reduce to a syrupy consistency. Pour over chicken & serve- sprinkle with some fresh thyme.
Note: Serve with a garlic & cream, sweet potato mash & greens.
Janet’s community in the country town of Eukey, meets monthly for a meal together in their 120 year old hall. Each month a community member volunteers to cook and donates the expense. Members of the community are charged $10 for the meal with all proceeds going to the hall and, through this process, they have completely renovated the kitchen installing a full industrial stainless steel kitchen. Last Friday night, Janet with some help from a few of her country gal pals, whipped up this recipe for 40 adults and 10 children. This recipe is for 4 but it easily performs well for a cast of hundreds!
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Local Rules
One of the local rules that arises from time to time is 4.2 (Abnormal Course Conditions) – the “2 and 2” rule as per Model Local Rule F-5. This is on the back of the scorecard.
Relief from interference by an immovable obstruction may be taken under Rule 16.1
Players also have these extra options to take relief when such immovable obstructions are close to the putting green and on the line of play:
Ball in General Area. The player may take relief under Rule 16.1b if an immovable obstruction is:
- On the line of play, and is:
- Within two club-lengths of the putting green, and
- Within two club-lengths of the ball.
Tip by BGC Professional, Asha Hargreaves
How to Engage Your Core in the Golf Swing
Are you having back issues when you practice or play golf?
Many golfers are unaware of the role the core plays in the golf swing and how it impacts on our back health. The abdominals sit directly opposite the lower back and when they become weak, the back takes more of the load, causing tightness and pain. How do I know this? I gave up golf for 3 years at the age of 16. I struggled to simply chip for more than 5 minutes without being in pain and know how it can stop you from playing the game you love. So how do you limit back pain through a round of golf? Back problems are one of the most common injuries in the golf swing and are caused by bad posture through set up and tight areas in the body. So, if you are having issues try my set up drill below in any part of your game.
Step 1. Take your normal set up, stretching your arms a handspan from your body (if they are too close or too far, this will affect your starting posture).
Step 2. Completely arch your back. (figure 1)
Step 3. Rounding your back by tucking your pelvis under. (figure 2)
Step 4. Arch your back again. (figure 1)
Step 5. Find the middle by engaging the core. (figure 3)
Tip by Exercise Pysiologist, Matt Winkley of WinkFit
Better Golf after 45
Golfers are notorious for doing plenty of things to lower their handicap;
- Get up early
- Spend $700 on a new club
- Watch hours of instructional videos
- Stand in the shower analysing all the 3 putts I had. No? Just me, okay moving on.
What you don’t see on this list is improving mobility/flexibility (they are different but that’s another article) or improving their athleticism with some strength work. These seem to be overlooked and I have my theories why this is, but the bottom line is that as we all age, we should endeavour to keep or improve our athleticism as much as possible.
Here is a little knowledge on 2 points that have some crossover with each other. Hopefully this will help anyone reading.
Resistance training
It’s a common misconception that resistance training or strength work will make you muscle bound and tight, resulting in a shorter swing and more injuries. Evidence in the flesh is Bryson Dechambeau, he’s stacked on a decent amount of muscle and still maintains a great deal of mobility. If that doesn’t prove it to you, there is also this very recent (pre-print) meta-analysis by Jose Afonso et al on strength training versus static stretching for increase Range of Motion (ROM).
Adding strength work to your weekly routine will add stability to your swing. It will also add power, combine that with a touch more stability and you’re on your way to hitting the ball further and more consistently.
If you choose your trainer wrong, you may end up with endless burpees and military style bootcamps but if you select one who understands golf and how to intertwine the gym sessions to have transfer effect to the golf swing, you’ll end up enjoying the gym and the subsequent better golf.
Mobility work
A lack of mobility will result in swing limitations. New technology can definitely minimise distance losses and poor strike patterns to a certain extent, but the reality is if you can’t get your get body in a good position your outcome regardless of technology is going to be hampered. Not to mention when you are more athletic you tend to have less soreness, which leads to playing or practicing more which leads to a lower handicap.
Here are 2 mobility moves to start your journey; use these as a mobility session or as a pre-round warm up.
The best place to start is the new GolfCore session in the Tennyson room from May 10th. If you haven’t heard about this or would like more information, please reach out to Matt Winkley.
Matt is a keen golf nerd who has been fortunate enough to spend time on the PGA Tour and European Tour as a trainer, merging his love of fitness and golf. You can find Matt at @winkfitgym and @gymtogreen on Instagram or
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Good Golfing
In her third official competition at BGC, 14 year old Lily Holmes competed in the April monthly medal competition and stole the show coming in with the lowest score of the day, an amazing nett 63! For Lily, two memorable moments from the round were her bogie on the 8th (she has always been a bit scared of that hole) and, her highlight was the 10th where she also scored a bogie. Lily was more than a little shocked that she had won because there were quite a few holes she felt she could have played better. Following the win, Lily’s handicap reduced 12 shots overnight!
Lily’s first competition at BGC was a single stableford on a Sunday in September last year where she scored 33points. Her second competition also on a Sunday in November in the inter-generational cup where she and her mother, Jodi “Big Red” Holmes won. For the last two years she has been playing the monthly BGC junior series organised by Asha, where they play from 200m out on every hole (winning the putting & 2nd overall last year). For the past four years, Lily has also been having junior group lessons with BGC coaching professionals, Asha & Joe. Lily doesn’t have aspirations of becoming a pro, she just wants to play and improve her handicap.
With Mother’s Day coming up, Jodi was wondering what Lily would do with her winnings.
Lily warming up on the range before April Monthly Medal round
Lily and her BGC coach of four years, Asha Haargreaves
Senior Ladies Golf Competition
Report by member, Liz McReynolds
Senior Ladies a New Tradition.
It’s the morning of Friday 16th of April and there was a buzz around the club. The Senior Ladies have arrived for their inaugural competition. There was much chat and laughter. It is the beginning of a new tradition which the ladies have embraced with excitement. Another plus, today we played everyone’s favourite game, 4BBB. The winners were Angela Fong and Laura Cunning, runners up Tina Winston and Lynn Brandon and third place Margot McNee and Pip Holmes. Congratulations you clever ladies. We had a full field of 40 players and a waitlist of 13. Some of those on the waitlist did get to play. So, ladies it is always worthwhile adding your name to the waitlist. Thank you to all those who have been supportive of this competition, the Members’ and Ladies’ Committees and especially the ladies who have shown their excitement and commitment to the success of Senior Ladies golf. Today was a day that really makes you appreciate and value all the friendships made at BGC. A special day that was simply a day to enjoy. And enjoy, we did!
If you are not already on the Senior Ladies email list or would like further information, please contact Liz McReynolds or phone 0409 995 728.
Cheryl Davies & June Callaghan
Janet Dupree, Prue Cox, Jan Lewington & Pauline Williams
Fay Jefferson, Vivienne Cassidy, Sandy Haydock (behind), Kathy Roel, Heather McCarthy, Liz Foremen & Robyn Cumming
The Senior Ladies!
Report by member, Vivienne Cassidy
Our Mahjong games are played every second Thursday at approximately 1pm in the clubhouse after golf and have been very successful with numbers increasing each week. Vicki McDonald, Ann Warden and I learnt to play Mahjong last year and enjoyed it so much that we thought it would be a great opportunity for the ladies to enjoy the friendship of other club members, as well as participating in this exciting and enjoyable activity. The game is not too difficult to learn, and the basics can be played successfully with tuition after a session or two.
We initially mentioned the Mahjong idea to a few ladies when we were golfing and to our surprise there was keen interest in joining a Mahjong group at our Club. To help manage the process, we decided to start with 8 new players in February this year. Fortunately, other members who could already play Mahjong joined us that first day and we had 2 players and 2 learners at each table. It was not long before, only 2 weeks later, that we were able to accept 16 new participants, again half learners and half players. We now have 5 tables with 20 players, all in all 29 registered Mahjongers. Given that we have sufficient ladies with the skill set to help others, we are now comfortable for more people to join us. Our next session is planned for Thursday 22 April.
The players extend their warmest thanks to Prue Cox who has kindly donated a mahjong set to the Club.
If you would like to join the next session, please contact Vivienne Cassidy or Phone 0411 148 233.
Continues to steal our hearts…
Sunny enjoying Angela Cottrell’s attention
Ladies Let’s Golf
In April, Cate Dowling, Amanda McCabe-Ramsay and Kerry Bellamy transitioned from our LLG program to become 6 day members. Welcome ladies!
Photo 1: Cate Dowling & Amanda McCabe-Ramsay Photo 2: Amanda McCabe-Ramsay & Kerry Bellamy
We currently have ten ladies in our LLG programme with Harjit Rana and Maree Green joining in April.
Thank you everyone for your assistance with escorting Thursdays and Saturdays. Anyone wanting to be added to our escorting volunteer list please let Kerri McGuire or Lisa Schoutrop. New rosters for the next three months will be out soon.
Heard in the Locker Room
The husband of one of our ladies was recently being fitted for some new fairway woods. He hit every club like he had never hit anything like it before. At the end of the fitting, he was so impressed with the way he was hitting them from the mat, he asked how much the clubs were and when he was given the price he said, “Oh – how much is the mat then?” Anyone heard of a fella called “Nevvie”? He did splash out on new shoes for his gal and she’s particular about keeping them clean!
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New in the Golf Shop – Ladies Jumpers
You will soon see our Pennant Players strutting around in their BGC blue Pennant Jumpers with the Club logo embroidered on them.
These jumpers are also available to be ordered from the Pro Shop by any of the ladies. They are available in BGC Blue and also Black, Navy and Light Grey in various sizes. The cost of each jumper will be $89.00 without embroidery and $99.00 with the Club logo embroidered. Orders must be made with the Pro Shop by Friday the 14th of May.
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