Team Announcement: Round 1 Pennants
The Brisbane Golf Club will start its third consecutive season in Division 1 pennants this Sunday, 18 July when they play Keperra Country Golf Club…

Chris Somerfield wins Brisbane Junior Amateur at his home club
Seventeen-year-old Brisbane Golf Club member Chris Somerfield has today won the Brisbane Junior Amateur Championship, emulating the feat of fellow member Lawry Flynn back in…

2021 Brisbane Junior Amateur at BGC this Thursday and Friday
The Brisbane Golf Club, in its 125th Anniversary Year, will host the 2021 Brisbane Junior Amateur Championships for boys and girls this Thursday and Friday. The…

Big guns missing, but BGC back in the swing for Men’s Pennant
Despite the loss of talented duo Lawry Flynn and Louis Dobbelaar for the upcoming Brisbane District Golf Association Division One Men’s Pennant competition, Brisbane Golf…
Note from the President – Lockdown Lifted
The Premier this afternoon announced that the current lockdown would end at 6pm tonight. While the lockdown has been lifted, the Brisbane LGA will still be subject…
Note from the President – Three Day Lockdown Extended
The Premier of Queensland this morning extended the three-day lockdown in Brisbane by a further 24 hours to 6pm on Saturday, 3 July 2021. As a result the arrangements in…
News from the Red Tees | July 2021
Welcome to the July issue of News from the Red Tees. Another busy month has passed with the conclusion of our pennant season, several Honour…