Multiple Tee Challenge
A brief note about the game of golf that has been scheduled for Tuesday 25th and Saturday 29th October 2022.
- A Single Stableford “Multiple Tee Challenge”
- This means you may play your 18 holes of golf off the Blue, White, Red or Yellow Tees.
- It is up to you to make the choice, and your handicap will be adjusted accordingly.
- You can have different players in each group playing off different tees.
- You can score on the Mi-Score App.
- If you are planning to play off the Red Tees, you do not need to do anything, accept turn up for golf, and continue as usual.
- If you think you would like to try a different tee, please could you email Reece as soon as possible on, so that he can set things up correctly for you.
- The prior knowledge will assist in the organisation of the competition, and help prevent long queues in the Pro Shop.
- You are able to change your mind, either reverting back to the Red Tees, or challenging yourself to try something different – a simple word to the Pro-Shop when you register on the day, is all that is necessary.
Please cross fingers for the rain to clear!
Janet Nathanson, Women’s Captain