New Foundation Projects – Tax Appeal

The Brisbane Golf Club Foundation was asked by the Club Committee to consider two projects as deserving of funding support. The projects are:

  • the refurbishment of the entrance to the Club from Tennyson Memorial Avenue
  • an upgrade of the Centenary Gardens area where members and guests relax and socialise before and after golf.

The Board has agreed these projects are consistent with the Foundation’s objectives for improving the Club and deserve funding support as soon as possible. Ideally, the timing of that support will coincide with the development of the new golf shop.

The front entrance on Tennyson Memorial Avenue provides the first impressions of our Club to members, guests and visitors alike. It has needed an upgrade for some time but the need elsewhere has rightly drawn available financial resources. First impressions are often lasting impressions so it is recognised that the entrance can be significantly enhanced to make the welcoming statement our Club deserves.

The Centenary Gardens, the area between the new golf shop and the clubhouse, is a valued space to meet and reflect on a day’s golf. This area welcomes members, guests and visitors to our Club and course. While it has become one of our favourite outdoor environments, it has also become tired and worn since being developed as a centenary project in 1996 under the guidance of architect member Ron Woodhouse. The area now needs a significant lift, particularly in the shadow of a new golf shop and our beautiful clubhouse. The refreshed Centenary Gardens will include seating options for relaxation and socialising; refreshed turf, gardens and furnishings; and designated motorised cart free areas to improve ambience and movement. Natural vegetation and shade features will seamlessly integrate the indoor and outdoor space between the golf shop and the clubhouse.

It is clear is that these projects are well needed to provide a high-quality arrival experience to the Club and improve the versatility and year-round usability of the clubhouse precinct.

We welcome donations to the Foundation supporting these projects to compliment the development of the new golf shop. All donations to the Foundation over $2 made through the Australian Sports Foundation are tax deductible so with 30 June approaching this is a good time to donate.

Please click here to donate.

More than 400 members have previously made Foundation donations. We thank them and encourage all members to support this fundraising drive to benefit the Club. Donations of $1,000 or more will be recognised appropriately at the Club. All donors’ names will be recorded in the Foundation’s Annual Report.

On behalf of the Board

Phil Wikman
The Brisbane Golf Club Foundation Ltd