Course Enhancement Plan

The new Course Enhancement Plan (CEP) presents inspiring possibilities as well as immediate opportunities for enhancement of The Brisbane Golf Club course.

Developed by Course Architect Paul Mogford of Crafter + Mogford Golf Strategies, the plan illustrates how we can achieve the goal of becoming an even higher quality course that we maintain to the highest possible standard year-round, as envisioned in the Club Strategic Plan (2023-2026).

The plan seeks to make our existing 21 holes as good as they can be and prioritises playability for all, fun, and strengthening of the strategic values and challenge of the course. Importantly, the plan emphasises “evolution not revolution”.

Endorsed by the Committee as a detailed overall concept plan the CEP offers a comprehensive vision of the future to guide prioritisation and scoping of improvements.

The Committee has not prioritised any major projects from the CEP yet as presenting a well-conditioned members’ course is the immediate priority. Before any major projects proceed, concepts within the CEP will be subject to further design development and costing within budget limitations, as well as further communication and consultation with Members.

Thank you to our Course Sub-Committee Chair and Landscape Architect Richard Garnham. His passionate leadership of this important project and ongoing gratuitous work updating the Landscape Master Plan in conjunction with Crafter + Mogford, enables the plans to be closely aligned and integrated.

Key considerations in the Landscape Master Plan include ensuring an overall cohesion of quality landscape treatments, tree and vegetation management and the ongoing native revegetation of natural zones, and perimeter screen and buffer planting will be detailed.

Click here to read the full CEP document.

The brief

The Course Architect was asked to prepare a CEP based on the following specifications.

  1. Preserve the current 21-hole layout through enhancements. The objective is for the Course to be the best it can possibly be and be maintained in a consistently optimal quality condition and presentation.
  2. Identify essential flood mitigation, drainage improvements and waterway enhancements.
  3. Strengthen the weaker holes, (such as the 7th and 11th) and the practice and teaching facilities.
  4. Integrate improved water storage, bunker review, motorised cart usage and landscape enhancements.

The CEP addresses the brief well and provides the Club with an enduring guide to shape further improvement of the course.

The CEP development process

The Course Sub-Committee liaised closely with Paul Mogford throughout the CEP preparation. Following site visits and ongoing meetings, Mogford presented the CEP to both the Committee and the Course Advisory Group for discussion and comment.

We are already seeing the benefits of some minor works implementation such as:

  1. Improved and re-shaped mowing lines of fine-cut turf playing surfaces to tees, fairways and all green surrounds.
  2. Revealing internal course views, such as 11th tee to 21st green and beyond; Clubhouse to 1st
  3. Regraded and landscaped 5th tee pond precinct, improvements to creekline aesthetics and alleviation of flows through the central core area of the Course.

Committee course priorities in 2024

  1. Continue to focus on course conditioning and presentation.
  2. Complete the practice fairway.
  3. Relevel and enlarge the 1st tee, removing the bitumen path.
  4. Address the 3rd fairway salt encroachment.
  5. Repair drainage and re-model the 16th fairway bunker.
  6. Redistribute sand in the 5th green bunkers.
  7. Address 2nd hole bridge reinforcement.
  8. Investigate a green resurfacing strategy.
  9. Repair bunker drainage and improve general bunker conditioning
  10. Relevel tees.

Projects for consideration to prioritise

  1. A green resurfacing strategy.
  2. Drainage and flood management issues at 2nd fairway lake edge, 3rd fairway creek crossing, 4th fairway creek crossing and lake edge.
  3. New northern practice putting green. 1st hole to become a par 4 with the tee relocated forward and extend the 5thhole to become a par 5 to maintain par 72.
  4. Cart paths in problem areas.


You are invited to provide your comments on the CEP by COB Friday 26 July 2024.

Select this link to access the comment tool.

If you have difficulties accessing the comment tool, please contact our CEO Geoff Kuehner via

Discussion Groups

Book in to discuss the CEP with members of the Committee and the CEO. Please read the CEP prior to attending the discussion.

Friday, 21 June at 4.00pm


Monday, 24 June at 10.00am


Thursday, 27 June at 6.00pm