Volunteer Update

On Monday, 6 January a pleasant, breezy cooler morning greeted us upon our arrival at 7.30am. Fortunately, the rain which drenched the Saturday afternoon players meant for easier weed extraction by hand and tools.
The areas surrounding the 9th and 20th tees and back of 8th and 17th greens are havens for weeds and vines under the subtropical temperature, rain, sunshine and humidity we are experiencing, and it was these specific areas the volunteers attacked with vigour on Monday.
The diversity and number of noxious plants found on the course, not being an expert, includes our ever present Wiregrass, Bathurst Burr, Castor Oil Plant, Elephant Grass, Stinkwort, Umbrella Tree, Para Grass, Cocos Palm, Molasses Grass, Crows Foot, Paspalum, and the list goes on.
Thanks to Peter Gay, Al Haydock, Greg Moroney, Les Nathanson, Rob Keers, John Puttick and Richard Garnham, ably supported by Course Staff Eric who loaded and dumped scores of trailer loads of the aforementioned weeds.
We will gather again in February sometime if not before.
Lloyd Cotterill