Committee Update May 2024

This message summarises the resolutions and updates discussed at the May Committee meeting.


1.   Course Enhancement Plan

2.   Driving Range Utilities Work

3.   Driving Range Restoration

4.   1st tee restoration

5.   New Golf Shop


6.   Potential BGC Foundation projects

7.   New Maintenance Facility

8.   Locker Room Refurbishment

9.   Review of Member Benefits

10. AGM Date Claimer

11. Latest news articles

  1. The Course Enhancement Plan: The Course Enhancement Plan (CEP) developed by Course Architect Paul Mogford of Crafter + Mogford Golf Strategies is almost ready for members to view. The CEP provides the Club with a comprehensive concept to guide our future planning, presenting inspiring possibilities as well as immediate opportunities for course enhancement.
  2. Driving range utilities work: Boring is completed and work is progressing on the access holes and covers. EDQ/BMD are expected to be offsite by 14 June, subject to weather.
  3. Driving range restoration and upgrade: Protective netting will be installed next week. The BGC Foundation is financing the installation of the pergola and ball machine.
  4. 1st tee restoration: When EDQ/BMD complete the utilities work on the 1st tee in early June, the tee will be relevelled and enlarged, creating one teeing area from blue tees to yellow tees. The bitumen path between the current tee blocks will be removed. Motorised cart access from the 9th fairway around the green will revert to the right side of the green.
  5. New golf shop: Awaiting approval from Chubb, the Club insurance company, to appoint the successful tenderer and commence the rebuild.
  6. Potential BGC Foundation Projects: The Committee has identified two projects that the Foundation may be able to assist in bringing forward, with member assistance. The projects are the refurbishment of the entrance to the Club from Tennyson Memorial Avenue and the Centenary Gardens where members and guests relax and socialise before and after golf.
  7. New maintenance facility: Options are being investigated for a new maintenance facility in Curzon Street that would be a significant improvement on the existing facility, achieve the flood mitigation objective of moving the maintenance facility, and provide a logical and cost-effective option for incremental expansion in future if required.
  8. Locker rooms refurbishment: Scoping continues for refreshing the existing facilities.
  9. Review of Member Benefits: The Member Benefits Sub-Committee has been convened to commence the review through which we will benchmark fees, playing rights and governance issues. Committee members Deb Kember, Geoff Moore, Andrew Mullis, Patrick Dixon and the CEO Geoff Kuehner will lead the work, in consultation with an Advisory Group consisting of 2 members from each of our major membership categories. To express your interest in taking part in the Member Benefits Advisory Group, please register with our Nominations Panel by clicking here.
  10. AGM Date claimer: The AGM will be held on Wednesday 11 December commencing at 7.00pm. This change of date from the second Saturday in December is a trial to determine whether a mid-week meeting better suits members at this busy time of year.
  11. Latest news articles: Read all the May news here

Please contact me or our CEO, Geoff Kuehner, at or on 0411 412 666 if you have any questions.


Deb Kember
The Brisbane Golf Club