Captain’s Log
October 2024

Spring is finally upon us, after a brief week of what Summer will look like, and things are looking very healthy…even if our golf game isn’t. It was a very busy Winter at The Brisbane Golf Club where we saw the Men’s Pennant team take out Division 1 for a Threepeat, more Honour Board events were won and lost, whilst we try to remember the losers, a new driving range was opened along with its tuition Pavilion, a lot of the surfaces have been renovated, there is a roof on our new Proshop…and that is just the tip of the golfing iceberg. So without further ado, let’s get into this instalment of the Captain’s Log.

The Range

The official opening was on Friday, 20 September with a great turn out to see its maiden use in what was a fun afternoon. It is clear that this range offers a sigh of relief for all…especially those who put their drives on 18 out of bounds whilst the 10th was the range. Not only does it afford a level of professionalism by looking fantastic, but with automatic ball dispenser, flat teeing grounds that give us 2,700sqm of hitting area, and a strip of synthetic turf that can be used in wet weather, it has taken our club to another level.

One of the new additions is a place to sit in relative comfort…meaning no sun on you and a water fountain when you need a break from trying to work on something one of our professionals taught you. Thank you to the Foundation for helping out with this much needed addition. It is also nice to have our 10th hole back…oh and the 11th as well, wouldn’t want it to feel left out.

Just a couple of reminders given we haven’t had a proper range for a while…no disrespect to the 10th, it served us well:

  • Please ensure we follow directions given from the Proshop or any signage that is out on the range whilst we get used to the new version
  • Filling in divots after completing your session is something we should all be trying to manage so we can keep the vast amounts of grass in good condition. You will find sand bins in the vicinity to help.
  • Please be aware of errant shots that are heading towards the 9th hole and call fore if players are nearby. Likewise a friendly reminder that if a ball hits one of the sheds on the left to report it to the golf shop.
  • The Pavilion and surrounding tee area is purely for tuition only. We understand that the range proper can get a bit busy, especially on shotgun starts, but we managed pretty well with a smaller area so please be patient.


With renovations of a majority of surfaces around the course, it is pleasing that the weather is warming up and the place is looking particularly green…except for the sand and poisoned rough areas…but other than that the course looks great. The greens are coming back nicely with some good coverage showing.

We currently have the 2nd and 3rd holes out of play due to the remediation work on the 3rd fairway with holes 19 and 20 back in the order. We should be back playing 1-18 next week pending all going well for our course team. When we are back playing the 3rd, there will be compulsory GUR (No Play Zones) where work has been completed.

With the greens being softer than usual could we ask that you please bring a pitch repairer with you to fix as many pitch marks as possible…even if they aren’t yours. Likewise with fairways, if we can all fill our own divots, and couple of those that aren’t yours, it makes our course staff’s job easier and leaves our surfaces with the best possible change at being in premium condition.

Pace of Play

Yep, you guessed it, it’s that time in the Log that you have been waiting for…don’t want to disappoint anyone by not talking about it.

We had a period of a few months where we were unable to monitor our pace of play as MiClub decided to change the parameters of the report on us. Never fear, that has been fixed! Thank you to member Jodi Lobegeiger for rewriting the program that reads said reports…but I would have thought you would have written it so your name was deleted if you were in a slow group.

If you think the pace of play has increased slightly of late, you are correct. For the months of May to September this year, we had 4 rounds on Wednesday and Saturday competition days that were on average under 4 hours and 10 minutes. Most sat at between 4 hours 15mins and 4 hours 30 mins with 2 going over the dreaded 4 hours 35 min mark…no surprises that those were stroke rounds.
For the corresponding time period last year we had 12 rounds under 4 hours 10 minutes with only a couple of rounds over 4 hours 25mins. It doesn’t sound like much, but it is significant when you remember we are just talking Wednesdays and Saturdays.

It may well have been a combination of factors, such as not being able to look into our round times this year…and if that has contributed, we apologise, or it may have been starting on the 12th hole. Whatever the factor, the committee has re-commenced talking with those identified to understand circumstances and/or discuss ways that pace of play can be improved…ready golf, moving to the next tee if you have putted out, only spending 3 minutes on looking for a ball…you know, the usual . There is a way out of every box, a solution to every puzzle, it’s just a matter of finding it.

There have been a few questions around what the times in the top left corner of the MiScore App and on the Club Carts means (see below images). You may remember that our goal for every round is 4 hours 10 minutes…lofty, but achievable. This time shows how many minutes behind the 4 hour 10 mark you will be if your round finished then…yes, Team Hockings has been spoken to.

We will let you in on a little secret, these times are a guide only during your round. What you should be looking at is if you cannot see the group ahead of you…that is what tells you that you are behind and need to work on catching up. We understand sometimes there can be extenuating circumstances during a round, which is why we have discussions to understand, but it is up to all of us to ensure we keep up with the group ahead.

We are looking forward to seeing consistently speedy rounds. As a side note, we have started monitoring other competition days of the week.

Competition Bookings

Sadly, of late we have been seeing an increase in the number of players who have booked into a particular time slot, only to pull their names out on the day of competition. We understand that life gets in the way sometimes and can appreciate that. However, out of courtesy to our Proshop staff who have to manage groups on the fly, at a bare minimum please call the Proshop to let them know you will not be able to make your tee time. It would also go a long way if you could notify one, if not all, of your playing group please.
We hope you enjoy your golf at The Brisbane Golf Club in the warmer weather and always remember to take precautions against the sun…and have fun!

Ash Sturmer
Men’s Captain
The Brisbane Golf Club

Janet Nathanson
Women’s Captain
The Brisbane Golf Club