Volunteers Update

Today at 7.30am (Monday, 29 August) our course volunteers continued the clearing of vegetation along the bank of the lake with the valued assistance of course staff wielding chainsaws, excavators, and trailers. Members have commented on the great look that is now presenting itself across the course. As well the volunteers assisted staff Dylan and Reece in digging up buried range balls on the range. Mowers and the range ball collector had embed hundreds and thousands of range balls as they do their stuff. Currently there is a worldwide shortage of these practice balls so these hundreds of balls collected will be of great value to the members who utilise the range. Any member with some spare time and willingness are very welcome to join our volunteers, simply send an email to Geoff Kuehner, CEO via geoff@brisbanegolfclub.com.au. Our volunteers normally meet on the first Monday of the month and have morning tea together afterwards.


Lloyd Cotterill