Volunteer Update

A hardy bunch armed with various forms of destruction proceeded to rip and tear some vegetation adjacent the 15th, 16th and 8th holes fairways. The lower limbs and dead branches were felled and stacked then loaded into trailers for removal, as well as cutting and poisoning several nasty trees and vines. This will make finding your golf ball much easier and chipping sideways with less difficulty, thus improving pace of play.
The 2 large trailers, tractor driven by staff, were filled many times over by the 2 teams who worked diligently and efficiently and earnt the coffee and goodies in the members lounge afterwards for a debrief with Super Dave Mason.
Thanks to Al Haydock, Denis May, Rob Brown, Phil Lonsdale, Cam Gibson, Peter Gay, Garth Crichton, Greg Moroney, Mike Murphy, Rob Keers and Ross McTaggart.

Any member with some spare time and willingness are very welcome to join our volunteers, simply send an email to Geoff Kuehner, CEO via geoff@brisbanegolfclub.com.au. Our volunteers normally meet on the first Monday of the month and have morning tea together afterwards.


Lloyd Cotterill