Volunteer’s Update

Nearing the end of a disruptive 2022 year, the Volunteer Brigade did some grand work on Monday morning around the 6th green and 15th tee areas, splitting into 2 teams for the morning exercise.

Several malicious Chinese Elm trees were cut and poisoned alongside a few vines which become very large and overpowering in a remarkably short space of time. Most of the work involved trimming the lower branches of trees giving wayward golfers a better chance of not only finding their ball but a safer ability to extract it back onto the course. These “rough” areas not only look much tidier but the dreaded pace of play issue improves immensely. Course staff was on hand with tractor and trailer to load the debris and remove.

Thanks to those volunteers today being, Peter Gay, Dennis May, Rob Brown, John Puttick, Les Nathanson, Mike Murphy, Richard Garnham, Ken Prosser, Mal Cramb, Garth Crichton, Al Haydock, Rob Keers and Phil Lonsdale.

Credit to Super Dave Mason who supported the volunteers despite his inaugural beginning being very trying with the several flood events through the year on a property and staff he did not know, so his learning curve has been very steep. Course Chair Richard Garnham also had to very flexible with the volunteer program and hopefully 2023 will see Dave and Richard’s workloads subside and even out a little.

Cheers to all the participating volunteers throughout the year who in turn wish to thank Geoff, Rudy, Joe and their staff for supplying the excellent morning teas, copious iced water, carts etc. and we look forward to 2023.

Lloyd Cotterill